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Repository Basics

Main Goal: Making a repository to push and pull code in real time

What we did:


We go into documents and clone git repository.

Making a new file = FileA.txt

print("Hello World")

git commit -m "Commiting FileA.txt, printing hello world"

git branch -M main = creates main branch

git push -u origin main = pushes FileA.txt into main branch

(Add the other collaborators)

git remote add origin link (when you add a origin you add a destination for the origin where you push the files into)

We need to request a pull to be able to pull from another person’s repository

Making all of our individual repositories and uploading them into the main branch

Side Notes:

cd .. = go backward

pwd = to see where you are

mk= make, dir = directory = mkdir

cd = call directory

cd(directory) = go into that directory

git clone link = makes a copy of previous repository and puts it on the local computer

yellow m = modified

git push = push pushes file into the main branch

git pull = takes the file from github


-r = force

rmdir helloWorld = remove directory of “hello World”


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