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Let's Python (Xcode as Base)...

- Why Python? AI, machine learning, IoT, robotics, etc. Oh, and it is super FUN to learn!

- Let's download and setup Python:

- Turn on / off toolbar, etc.

- Let's navigate folders in CLI

- What is var and how var is stored in memory?

- What is bit, bytes, etc.?

- How RAM works?

- Review data types: Int, Float, String, List, and Dictionary.

//Unary, Binary, Ternary Operators (Xcode)

var amICool = true

amICool = !amICool

var feelGoodAboutMyself = true (Python: CAP True)

feelGoodAboutMyself = amICool ? true : false

var bankAccountBalance = 100

var cashRegisterMessage = bankAccountBalance >= 150 ? "You just bought the item" : "Sorry you are broke."

Python: cashRegisterMessage = "you just bought" if bankAccountBalance >= 150 else "Sorry you are broke."

Think of language SOV, SVO...

Math operators: + - * / %

Variables: Cannot start with a number, special characters and special key words (list, str, etc.)

* Dynamic Typing: assign variable to different data type.

* Xcode is statically typed. var dog = 1; later dog = "WooWoo" <- No No!

Python: type(dog)

Xcode: type(of: dog)

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