Let's Play Date Format
Let's play date:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
var today = Date() let formatter = DateFormatter()
//formatter.dateStyle = .none //formatter.string(from: today)
//formatter.dateStyle = .short //formatter.string(from: today)
//formatter.dateStyle = .medium //formatter.string(from: today)
formatter.dateStyle = .short formatter.string(from: today)
//formatter.dateStyle = .full //formatter.string(from: today)
formatter.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy" formatter.string(from: today)
//"MM.dd.yy" = 11.21.18 //MM = 1 digits of month //MMM = 3 letters of month //MMMM = full month name //EEE = abreviation of week //EEEE = full day // "MM/dd/yy"
print(today) ================ 1. Create the birthdays table view controller 2. Add cells to the table view 3. Setup table view controller Remember that The Birthdays table view controller will display a list of all the birthdays stored in the app.
What is a method?
- numberOfSections(in:) Tells the table view how many sections it should have - tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:) Tells the table view how many rows will be displayed in each section - tableView(_:cellForRowAt:) Sets up each cell that’s going to be displayed in each row of the table view