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Birthday Tracker - Let's Create Some Views

View = Things that you see on the screen

View Controller = Contains Swift code to control the view

1. Create a single view project

2. App Name = BirthdayTracker

3. Language = Swift

4. Check the check box "Use Core Data"

5. Make sure you have BirthdayTracker.xcdatamodeld

Landscape vs Portrait

Navigator, Editor, and Utility Pane

Navigator = Command + 0

Utility = Command + Option + 0

6. Add application icon Assets.xcassets

7. Let's change the app icon in General -> Identity

8. Let's look at 6 inspectors in Utility pane

File Inspector = change path to storyboard file

Help Inspector = give you detail info

Identity Inspector = set custom class for story board

Attribute Inspector = to set attribute

Ruler Inspector = set position / placement

9. Let's add table view controller (will display your friends' name later) and set this view controller as initial view controller

10. Let's add Navigation Controller (Editor menu)

11. Add Birthday to navigation item

12. Let's add bar button to

13. Add Last Name, First Name, Birthday and Date Picker


Homework: Review, review and review!

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