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My First Swift Function

- What is a function? Block of code that you use again and again.

- What is input parameters?

- What is an argument?

Let's create a function:

func printAHaiku() //Function name be descriptive!!

{ print(" Input and output,") print(" This function needs neither one") print(" To print a haiku") }

- Let's use for loop and run it 3 times

- func invite(guest: String) // ALWAYS use declare data type in function. NO INFERENCE!

- guest = argument label

- Let's write an invitation function:


Dear [],

I would love for you to come to my party this Saturday at 6PM.




- Now let's invite all friends:

func invite(guest: String) {

print("Dear \(guest),")

print("I would love for you to come to my party.")

print("Love, \nBanana")

print("\n \n")


func invite(allGuests: [String]) {

for guest in allGuests {




var friends = ["Natalie", "Megan", "Stehanie", "Jolene", "Bao", "Ashton", "Nhi"]

invite(guest: "Megan")

invite(allGuests: friends)



Imagine your party is coming FAST and you need to send a message to your friends.

If rsvp, say,

Dear [name],

I am excited to see you!

Love, Banana

if not rsvp, say

Dear [name]

Please reply by tomorrow!

Love, Banana


- Create a function named sendMessage that takes 2 parameters:

1. Name (use String type)

2. A boolean value

- The rest is up to you.

- Be creative and have fun!

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