Python Review
Thank you for the inspiration :) Let's review... Data types Numbers Strings Printing - print('My number is: {}, and my name is:...
Review Stepper Motor and The Proximity Principle
I am in a community of 50 trillion cells...
Baby Crib Design
Design Team: Ashton Bao Joleen Megan Natalie Stephanie
Stepper Motor Half Step
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) control_pins = [11,15,16,18] for pin in control_pins: GPIO.setup(pin,...
Stepper Motors - How does it work and let's control with Python...
Back to Python - Function, Module, Library. Wait... We meant standard library..
- - Python comes with all the usual operators, including <, >, < =, > =, = =, !=, as well as...
Classwork Sep 29, 2018
Dining Table Set Project
Design Team: Ashton, Bao, Jolene, Megan, Natalie and Stephanie In class: We learned how to assemble parts into an assembly and pattern...
3D Modeling - Week 2
We learned - revolve feature to create more complex shapes - how to trim and extend sketch lines Here is what we did in the class.